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these three figures together they will amount to 18 , and these two added together will make 4 , two less than 6 . I can only express my regret that my professional engagements pre vent echmy
sending the above remarks in time for your last week ' s Magazine . —1 remain , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , Feb . ZL 1858 . P .-. Z ,
A CASE OF DISTRESS . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sir and Brother , —I hope you will excuse my troubling you for a case of great necessity . A poor lady , widow of a clergyman , is left very destitute with four children , the eldest a girl seven years old , the youngest a boy of three months ; she is in an almshouse , having but £ 1 a week to support herself and them , and we are anxious to raise a small sum to assist her . Several clergymen have kindly aided
the subscription , and in a case of such distress , I thought it might not be intruding too much on the kindness of the Brethren of our Craft to ask a slight assistance , as doubtless there are many who would , if they knew of this case , he able and willing . Her name is ——— , and her husband was curate of ——— -, in Devon . — -I beg to remain , Yours fraternally , Bradridge , Ivybridge , Devon . W . Y . Daykin , M . A .
[ The name of the lady will be forwarded to any Brother wishing for'it . —Ed . ]
ROYAL MARRIAGE . TO THE EDITOR 0 JP THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —A portion of our delightful ceremony says , that " Masonry knows no bounds save those of prudence ; " with all due regard to a faithful observance of this great truth , I do most sincerely and respectfully hope that the business of the Grand Lodge , on "Wednesday next , may not be concluded
without testifying the loyalty of the Brotherhood in proposing an address to Her Most Gracious Majesty , as also one to His Royal Highness Frederick William Prince of Prussia , upon his union with the eldest daughter of our beloved Queen . I am quite sure such a step would meet the most anxious desire of all true Masons , and would ( if possible ) be more enthusiastically received , and more heartily responded to , than the introductory toast usually proposed at the festive board of all ancient , free , and accepted Masons—" The Queen and the Craft . "I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , Kent , February 28 , 1858 . A Loyal Subject *
TO THE EDITOR Oi ME tfHEEMASONB' MAGAZINE AND MAlSONlO MlltttOlt . Silt and BitOTilEu , —Amongst your notices to correspondents in last week s number you state that the " Inner Guard is correct in refusing to interrupt the ceremonies to report the arrival of members or visitors . " I n this I perfectly concur , but would feel much obliged if you will , in your next impression , state what course ought to be pursued by the Tyler when he has an urgent professional message to communicate to a medical brother in the Lodge during ceremonies . I have now been a member of St . Hilda ' s Lodge in this town twenty-one yearn , and have during that period seven times filled the chair of W . M ., and never
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
these three figures together they will amount to 18 , and these two added together will make 4 , two less than 6 . I can only express my regret that my professional engagements pre vent echmy
sending the above remarks in time for your last week ' s Magazine . —1 remain , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , Feb . ZL 1858 . P .-. Z ,
A CASE OF DISTRESS . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sir and Brother , —I hope you will excuse my troubling you for a case of great necessity . A poor lady , widow of a clergyman , is left very destitute with four children , the eldest a girl seven years old , the youngest a boy of three months ; she is in an almshouse , having but £ 1 a week to support herself and them , and we are anxious to raise a small sum to assist her . Several clergymen have kindly aided
the subscription , and in a case of such distress , I thought it might not be intruding too much on the kindness of the Brethren of our Craft to ask a slight assistance , as doubtless there are many who would , if they knew of this case , he able and willing . Her name is ——— , and her husband was curate of ——— -, in Devon . — -I beg to remain , Yours fraternally , Bradridge , Ivybridge , Devon . W . Y . Daykin , M . A .
[ The name of the lady will be forwarded to any Brother wishing for'it . —Ed . ]
ROYAL MARRIAGE . TO THE EDITOR 0 JP THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —A portion of our delightful ceremony says , that " Masonry knows no bounds save those of prudence ; " with all due regard to a faithful observance of this great truth , I do most sincerely and respectfully hope that the business of the Grand Lodge , on "Wednesday next , may not be concluded
without testifying the loyalty of the Brotherhood in proposing an address to Her Most Gracious Majesty , as also one to His Royal Highness Frederick William Prince of Prussia , upon his union with the eldest daughter of our beloved Queen . I am quite sure such a step would meet the most anxious desire of all true Masons , and would ( if possible ) be more enthusiastically received , and more heartily responded to , than the introductory toast usually proposed at the festive board of all ancient , free , and accepted Masons—" The Queen and the Craft . "I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , Kent , February 28 , 1858 . A Loyal Subject *
TO THE EDITOR Oi ME tfHEEMASONB' MAGAZINE AND MAlSONlO MlltttOlt . Silt and BitOTilEu , —Amongst your notices to correspondents in last week s number you state that the " Inner Guard is correct in refusing to interrupt the ceremonies to report the arrival of members or visitors . " I n this I perfectly concur , but would feel much obliged if you will , in your next impression , state what course ought to be pursued by the Tyler when he has an urgent professional message to communicate to a medical brother in the Lodge during ceremonies . I have now been a member of St . Hilda ' s Lodge in this town twenty-one yearn , and have during that period seven times filled the chair of W . M ., and never