Article ©fUtiiaViN ← Page 3 of 3 Article TRUE PHILANTHROPY. Page 1 of 1
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was incorporated in 1851 , he accepted the office of borough treasurer , and held that honourable post until a few months ago , when he resigned . The deceased was one of the clerks to the county bench , clerk to the Darwen local board of health , solicitor to the Ribble ,, Hodder , & c . fisheries association , a commissioner of assessed taxes , a member of the Blackburn burial hoard , and warden of Holy Trinity church , in which latter office he was always zealous and useful , a bountiful
giver , and a warm and beloved patron of the Sunday schools connected with that church . The deceased was a kind and beneficent landlord , and on his own farm frequently ordered manual labour when less expensive and more expeditious plans might have been adopted : but Bro . Brock Hollinshead desired to veil the overflowing kindliness of his heart and his charity—such was his modesty in the diffusion of his goodness . Our deceased Brother was initiated into the Craft in the Lodge of Unanimity , Preston , Lancashire , W . D ., under the auspices of the
D . Prov . G . M ., the late Bro . the He v . Gilmour Robinson , who always maintained a close and perfect friendship with him , and who appointed our learned Brother acting executor on his decease . Bro . Brock-Hollinshead afterwards became a joining Brother of the Lodge of Fidelity , NTo , 336 , Blackburn , and was twice W . M . of that Lodge ; his years of office were greatly distinguished , and will ever shine forth brightly in the memories of those who had the pleasure to be members of the Lodge during his mastership . He always continued a consistent supporter of that
Lodge , and not only of it , but of the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 432 , at whose special meetings and reunions he was always a cheerful and welcome guest , and the honoured occupant of the highest place next the Master . The deceased was a member of the Chapter of Fidelity , No . 336 , and held the office of Scribe N . as the preparatory step to higher dignities had he lived to receive them . He was also a Knight Companion of the "U nited Encampment of Almeric de St . Maur and Geoffrey de St . Omer , and had just affiliated himself with the Encampment of
Hugh de Payens , Blackburn , in the formation of which he took great interest ; in his death the Knights have lost a warm friend to them and the Order of Knights Templar . The deceased also occupied the office of Prov . G . Keg ., E . L ., for two or three years , under the late R . W . the Earl of Ellesmere , Prov . G . M ., and about two years ago was elevated to the rank of Prov . J . G . W . by the present Prov . G . M . the R . W . Bro . Stephen Blair . In private life he was much respected ; he was a good husband and father , and a firm friend , To his bereaved widow the
Brethren of the two Blackburn Lodges have presented an appropriate address of condolence on her severe loss . His funeral took place on Friday the 19 th March at St . Peter ' s Church , Blackburn , and although private , the Brethren of the Lodges were not prevented attending and paying their last sad tribute of respect to a departed Brother " whose place shall know him no more for ever ; " but his memory will be long green in the hearts of many , and will endure in the Blackburn Lodges as years roll on , as that of a " true and faithful brother amongst Masons .
True Philanthropy.
I saw a pale mourner stand bending over the tomb , and his tears fell fast and often . As he raised his humid eyes to heaven , he cried : " My brother ! O my brother !" A sage passed that way and said : " For whom dost thou mourn ? " " One , " replied he , , " whom I did not sufficiently love while living ; but one whose inestimable worth I now feel "
" What wouldst thou do if he was restored to thee ? " The mourner replied , " that he would never offend him by an unkind word , but he would take every occasion to show his friendship if he could come back to his fond embrace . " "Then waste no time in useless grief , " said the sag © , " but if thou hast friends , go and cherish the living , remembering that they will one day die also , "
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was incorporated in 1851 , he accepted the office of borough treasurer , and held that honourable post until a few months ago , when he resigned . The deceased was one of the clerks to the county bench , clerk to the Darwen local board of health , solicitor to the Ribble ,, Hodder , & c . fisheries association , a commissioner of assessed taxes , a member of the Blackburn burial hoard , and warden of Holy Trinity church , in which latter office he was always zealous and useful , a bountiful
giver , and a warm and beloved patron of the Sunday schools connected with that church . The deceased was a kind and beneficent landlord , and on his own farm frequently ordered manual labour when less expensive and more expeditious plans might have been adopted : but Bro . Brock Hollinshead desired to veil the overflowing kindliness of his heart and his charity—such was his modesty in the diffusion of his goodness . Our deceased Brother was initiated into the Craft in the Lodge of Unanimity , Preston , Lancashire , W . D ., under the auspices of the
D . Prov . G . M ., the late Bro . the He v . Gilmour Robinson , who always maintained a close and perfect friendship with him , and who appointed our learned Brother acting executor on his decease . Bro . Brock-Hollinshead afterwards became a joining Brother of the Lodge of Fidelity , NTo , 336 , Blackburn , and was twice W . M . of that Lodge ; his years of office were greatly distinguished , and will ever shine forth brightly in the memories of those who had the pleasure to be members of the Lodge during his mastership . He always continued a consistent supporter of that
Lodge , and not only of it , but of the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 432 , at whose special meetings and reunions he was always a cheerful and welcome guest , and the honoured occupant of the highest place next the Master . The deceased was a member of the Chapter of Fidelity , No . 336 , and held the office of Scribe N . as the preparatory step to higher dignities had he lived to receive them . He was also a Knight Companion of the "U nited Encampment of Almeric de St . Maur and Geoffrey de St . Omer , and had just affiliated himself with the Encampment of
Hugh de Payens , Blackburn , in the formation of which he took great interest ; in his death the Knights have lost a warm friend to them and the Order of Knights Templar . The deceased also occupied the office of Prov . G . Keg ., E . L ., for two or three years , under the late R . W . the Earl of Ellesmere , Prov . G . M ., and about two years ago was elevated to the rank of Prov . J . G . W . by the present Prov . G . M . the R . W . Bro . Stephen Blair . In private life he was much respected ; he was a good husband and father , and a firm friend , To his bereaved widow the
Brethren of the two Blackburn Lodges have presented an appropriate address of condolence on her severe loss . His funeral took place on Friday the 19 th March at St . Peter ' s Church , Blackburn , and although private , the Brethren of the Lodges were not prevented attending and paying their last sad tribute of respect to a departed Brother " whose place shall know him no more for ever ; " but his memory will be long green in the hearts of many , and will endure in the Blackburn Lodges as years roll on , as that of a " true and faithful brother amongst Masons .
True Philanthropy.
I saw a pale mourner stand bending over the tomb , and his tears fell fast and often . As he raised his humid eyes to heaven , he cried : " My brother ! O my brother !" A sage passed that way and said : " For whom dost thou mourn ? " " One , " replied he , , " whom I did not sufficiently love while living ; but one whose inestimable worth I now feel "
" What wouldst thou do if he was restored to thee ? " The mourner replied , " that he would never offend him by an unkind word , but he would take every occasion to show his friendship if he could come back to his fond embrace . " "Then waste no time in useless grief , " said the sag © , " but if thou hast friends , go and cherish the living , remembering that they will one day die also , "