Article THE MASONIC .MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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The Masonic .Mirror.
and Bro . BAches , No . 79 . The business was merely of a formal nature , but three candidates ibr initiation were announced for the next Lodge night . Lodge of Prosperit y ( No . 78 ) . —The annual meeting for the installation of the W . M . and the appointment of Officers , was held at the White Hart Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , on Wednesday , the 23 rd of February . The W . M ., Bro . Palmer , presided / and a ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . Edward
Lovegrove and George Tin son ,.- —the latter gentleman , being present , was duly initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . then , having opened the Lodge in the 2 nd Degree , passed Bros . Boyle and Lyons . The report of the audit committee afforded a satisfactory account of the funds . Bro . George Biggs , P . G-. S . B ., then , at the particular request of the W . M . elect , took the chair , and Bro . Henry Isaacs , P . M ., presented Bro . Alfred Day for installation , and he was , with full ceremonial , duly placed in the chair and saluted in the several degrees . Two
gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren to the respective offices : —Bros . Palmer , P . M . ; Fresco it , S . W . ; McKey , J . W . ; H . Thompson , Sec . ; Lemann ( P . M . ) , Dir . of Cers . ; Valentine , S . D . ; Cornvvell , J . D . ; Arnold , I . G . ; and Hill , Tyler . Bro . Cornwell having resigned the Treasurership , Bro . Thomas , P . M ., was proposed for that office . The W . M . then , in graceful terms , presented an elegant Past Master ' s jewel which the Lodge had voted to Bro . Palmer , who acknowledged his gratitude
to the Brethren for this expression of their regard . The Lodge was , at 7 . 30 , called off to refreshment , and about fifty Brethren , most ably presided over by Bro . Day , did justice to a substantial banquet . There were several visitors present , among whom we noticed—Bros . George Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Nutt , Grand Steward ; the following P . Ms , —T . E . Davis , J . How , W . W . Davis , T . Purdy ,
Weedon , Bettger , Hastelow , Saqui , T . Barnes , and Scott ; also Bro . White , Sec . No . 1 , 025 , & c . The conviviality of the evening was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of some of the Brethren , especially Bro . Henry Isaacs ; and the gratitude of the visitors is particularly acknowledged for the anxious care and attention they received from Bro . Lemann .
Lodge op Prudent Brethren ( No . 169 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 23 rd February , Bro . William Blackburn , W . M ., presiding . Some formal business having been gone through , a ballot took place for the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . C . Hart , as we have already mentioned , declining to stand . Two Brothers ( Bro . Morbey and Bro « Warren ) , both Past Masters , offered themselves as candidates , it being understood that the contest should be a friendly one . The result of the ballot showed a small majority in favour of the last named Brother .
Lodge of Honour and Generosity ( No . 194 ) . —This Lodge met at the London Tavern on Friday , February 26 th . The W . M ., Bro . Westall , in a very able manner , initiated a gentleman into the Order . The W . M . elect , Bro . Cherer , was " then presented , and duly installed in the chair by Bro . Slight , P . M . of the Moira , in that excellent style for which he has become distinguished . After the investment of the Officers , the Brethren proceeded to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given : and in returning thanks for that of the D . G . M .
and the rest of the Grand Officers , Bro . Roxburgh , S . G . D . expressed his conviction that , in whatever position Lord Panmure might be placed , he would never fail in the discharge of his duty to the public and the craft . With regard to himself and his Brother visitor , Bro . Bansford , P . G . Org ., he assured them that the Grand Officers w ^ ould exert themselves to the utmost to promote the interests' of Masonry , and emulate the example set by those who had gone before
them , and who , he believed , had in all cases performed their duties to the utmost of their ability . The V . W . Brother also paid a well-merited compliment to the Lodge or the excellent working he had witnessed . Bro . Cole , P . M ., in proposing the health of the newly-installed Master , expressed the pleasure he felta , pleasure which he wan certain was heartily participated in by every member of the Lodge , in being presided over by a Brother whom they so highly esteemed , both as a gentleman and a Mason . The W . M . thanked the Brethren , and assured
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic .Mirror.
and Bro . BAches , No . 79 . The business was merely of a formal nature , but three candidates ibr initiation were announced for the next Lodge night . Lodge of Prosperit y ( No . 78 ) . —The annual meeting for the installation of the W . M . and the appointment of Officers , was held at the White Hart Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , on Wednesday , the 23 rd of February . The W . M ., Bro . Palmer , presided / and a ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . Edward
Lovegrove and George Tin son ,.- —the latter gentleman , being present , was duly initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . then , having opened the Lodge in the 2 nd Degree , passed Bros . Boyle and Lyons . The report of the audit committee afforded a satisfactory account of the funds . Bro . George Biggs , P . G-. S . B ., then , at the particular request of the W . M . elect , took the chair , and Bro . Henry Isaacs , P . M ., presented Bro . Alfred Day for installation , and he was , with full ceremonial , duly placed in the chair and saluted in the several degrees . Two
gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren to the respective offices : —Bros . Palmer , P . M . ; Fresco it , S . W . ; McKey , J . W . ; H . Thompson , Sec . ; Lemann ( P . M . ) , Dir . of Cers . ; Valentine , S . D . ; Cornvvell , J . D . ; Arnold , I . G . ; and Hill , Tyler . Bro . Cornwell having resigned the Treasurership , Bro . Thomas , P . M ., was proposed for that office . The W . M . then , in graceful terms , presented an elegant Past Master ' s jewel which the Lodge had voted to Bro . Palmer , who acknowledged his gratitude
to the Brethren for this expression of their regard . The Lodge was , at 7 . 30 , called off to refreshment , and about fifty Brethren , most ably presided over by Bro . Day , did justice to a substantial banquet . There were several visitors present , among whom we noticed—Bros . George Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Nutt , Grand Steward ; the following P . Ms , —T . E . Davis , J . How , W . W . Davis , T . Purdy ,
Weedon , Bettger , Hastelow , Saqui , T . Barnes , and Scott ; also Bro . White , Sec . No . 1 , 025 , & c . The conviviality of the evening was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of some of the Brethren , especially Bro . Henry Isaacs ; and the gratitude of the visitors is particularly acknowledged for the anxious care and attention they received from Bro . Lemann .
Lodge op Prudent Brethren ( No . 169 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 23 rd February , Bro . William Blackburn , W . M ., presiding . Some formal business having been gone through , a ballot took place for the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . C . Hart , as we have already mentioned , declining to stand . Two Brothers ( Bro . Morbey and Bro « Warren ) , both Past Masters , offered themselves as candidates , it being understood that the contest should be a friendly one . The result of the ballot showed a small majority in favour of the last named Brother .
Lodge of Honour and Generosity ( No . 194 ) . —This Lodge met at the London Tavern on Friday , February 26 th . The W . M ., Bro . Westall , in a very able manner , initiated a gentleman into the Order . The W . M . elect , Bro . Cherer , was " then presented , and duly installed in the chair by Bro . Slight , P . M . of the Moira , in that excellent style for which he has become distinguished . After the investment of the Officers , the Brethren proceeded to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given : and in returning thanks for that of the D . G . M .
and the rest of the Grand Officers , Bro . Roxburgh , S . G . D . expressed his conviction that , in whatever position Lord Panmure might be placed , he would never fail in the discharge of his duty to the public and the craft . With regard to himself and his Brother visitor , Bro . Bansford , P . G . Org ., he assured them that the Grand Officers w ^ ould exert themselves to the utmost to promote the interests' of Masonry , and emulate the example set by those who had gone before
them , and who , he believed , had in all cases performed their duties to the utmost of their ability . The V . W . Brother also paid a well-merited compliment to the Lodge or the excellent working he had witnessed . Bro . Cole , P . M ., in proposing the health of the newly-installed Master , expressed the pleasure he felta , pleasure which he wan certain was heartily participated in by every member of the Lodge , in being presided over by a Brother whom they so highly esteemed , both as a gentleman and a Mason . The W . M . thanked the Brethren , and assured