Article THE MASONIC .MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL Page 1 of 6 →
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The Masonic .Mirror.
Masonry were founded upon the purest principles of piety and truth ; therefore , to be a goofi Mason , it was essential to be a good man . " The Visitors " was the next toast on the list . It included Bros . B . Jones , P . M . No . 183 ; Valentine PlayfaiiyNo . 185 ; W . Clarke , P . M . No . 205 ; W . Irwin , No . 306 ; G . F . Taylor , No . 201 , and Hamilton , No . 208—the last-named Brother returning thanks , in which he offered a just tribute to the Master and ^ Brethren for the excellent treat afforded himself and the rest of the visitors , by the admirable manner in which the
Lodge was worked . Bro . Orelli , the immediate P . M ., proposed the next toast , which was that of " The W . M-.,. " who acknowledged the compliment in a neat speech , and assured the Brethren of his anxiety to forward the interests of the Lodge , and he believed he could do no better than to follow the footsteps of those who had preceded him . This was succeeded by several other toasts , after which the Brethren separated , highly delighted with the entertainment , the pleasure of which was greatly enhanced by the vocal exertions of Bros . Lane , Hamilton , Taylor , and Carpenter .
Lodge of United Pilgrims ( No . 745 ) - —The meeting to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year took place at the Manor House Tavern ^ Kennington , on Wednesday the 2 Itli February . The first business was to raise Bro . J . Smith , of the Crown Tavern , Clerkenwell Green , to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . A ballot was thea taken for a W . M ., when Bro . Neats was re-elected . The Brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet . The visitors were Bros . Lascelles , No . 85 ; Bromley , J . W . No . 276 , and Bain , of St . John ' s Lodge ; Thornhill , No . 252 , Scottish Institution .
Domitic Lodge ( No . 206 . )—The fifteen sections were worked at Bro . Ireland ' s , the Queen Elizabeth , King ' s Row , Walworth , on Wednesday , February 17 , Bro . T . A . Adams presided as W . M ., supported by the following Brethren : — First Section , Bros . Salmon , Ireland , Thomas , J . R . Warren , Parmer , Charnock , and Salmon . Second Lecture , Bros . Bower , Geider , Thomas , Parmer , and J . R . Warren . Third Lecture , Bros . William Braham , Salmon , and Thomas .
The attendance was a very thin one—in fact the nine persons above-mentioned were all who were present during the evening—but a glance at the names will be sufficient to convince any one who knows the working Brethren of the London Lodges of Instruction , that the Lectures were very ably performed . Bro . Ireland had prepared an excellent supper for thirty or forty , and yet but nine sat down to partake of it , and it was remarked with regret , that Bro . Adams was the only member of the mother Lodge who attended to support the Lodge of Instruction .
BERKSHIRE . IvEAMNG . —Lodge of Union ( No . 597 ) . —This Lodge , which meets on the Tuesday nearest the full moon , assembled for the first time since the elevation to the chair of Bro . Jas . S . Gill as W . M ., on Tuesday last , the 23 rd iilt ., when three Brothers were passed to the 2 nd Degree , viz ., 13 ros . E . M . Weedon , II . Gibbons , and W . H . C . Dawson , the talented organist of St . Lawrence ' s churoh , who , on his
initiation , was appointed Organist to this Lodge . The Brethren must have devoted much time , together with close application , to their excellent Lodge of Instruction , from the very able manner in which their W . M . and his Officers performed their duties ; indeed , we should have thought they had been quitting office , rather than just entering upon it , every portion of the ceremony being carried out with such proficiency . At the conclusion of the business , a discussion arose as to
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The Masonic .Mirror.
Masonry were founded upon the purest principles of piety and truth ; therefore , to be a goofi Mason , it was essential to be a good man . " The Visitors " was the next toast on the list . It included Bros . B . Jones , P . M . No . 183 ; Valentine PlayfaiiyNo . 185 ; W . Clarke , P . M . No . 205 ; W . Irwin , No . 306 ; G . F . Taylor , No . 201 , and Hamilton , No . 208—the last-named Brother returning thanks , in which he offered a just tribute to the Master and ^ Brethren for the excellent treat afforded himself and the rest of the visitors , by the admirable manner in which the
Lodge was worked . Bro . Orelli , the immediate P . M ., proposed the next toast , which was that of " The W . M-.,. " who acknowledged the compliment in a neat speech , and assured the Brethren of his anxiety to forward the interests of the Lodge , and he believed he could do no better than to follow the footsteps of those who had preceded him . This was succeeded by several other toasts , after which the Brethren separated , highly delighted with the entertainment , the pleasure of which was greatly enhanced by the vocal exertions of Bros . Lane , Hamilton , Taylor , and Carpenter .
Lodge of United Pilgrims ( No . 745 ) - —The meeting to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year took place at the Manor House Tavern ^ Kennington , on Wednesday the 2 Itli February . The first business was to raise Bro . J . Smith , of the Crown Tavern , Clerkenwell Green , to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . A ballot was thea taken for a W . M ., when Bro . Neats was re-elected . The Brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet . The visitors were Bros . Lascelles , No . 85 ; Bromley , J . W . No . 276 , and Bain , of St . John ' s Lodge ; Thornhill , No . 252 , Scottish Institution .
Domitic Lodge ( No . 206 . )—The fifteen sections were worked at Bro . Ireland ' s , the Queen Elizabeth , King ' s Row , Walworth , on Wednesday , February 17 , Bro . T . A . Adams presided as W . M ., supported by the following Brethren : — First Section , Bros . Salmon , Ireland , Thomas , J . R . Warren , Parmer , Charnock , and Salmon . Second Lecture , Bros . Bower , Geider , Thomas , Parmer , and J . R . Warren . Third Lecture , Bros . William Braham , Salmon , and Thomas .
The attendance was a very thin one—in fact the nine persons above-mentioned were all who were present during the evening—but a glance at the names will be sufficient to convince any one who knows the working Brethren of the London Lodges of Instruction , that the Lectures were very ably performed . Bro . Ireland had prepared an excellent supper for thirty or forty , and yet but nine sat down to partake of it , and it was remarked with regret , that Bro . Adams was the only member of the mother Lodge who attended to support the Lodge of Instruction .
BERKSHIRE . IvEAMNG . —Lodge of Union ( No . 597 ) . —This Lodge , which meets on the Tuesday nearest the full moon , assembled for the first time since the elevation to the chair of Bro . Jas . S . Gill as W . M ., on Tuesday last , the 23 rd iilt ., when three Brothers were passed to the 2 nd Degree , viz ., 13 ros . E . M . Weedon , II . Gibbons , and W . H . C . Dawson , the talented organist of St . Lawrence ' s churoh , who , on his
initiation , was appointed Organist to this Lodge . The Brethren must have devoted much time , together with close application , to their excellent Lodge of Instruction , from the very able manner in which their W . M . and his Officers performed their duties ; indeed , we should have thought they had been quitting office , rather than just entering upon it , every portion of the ceremony being carried out with such proficiency . At the conclusion of the business , a discussion arose as to