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PERU . The following is almost a strict literal translation of a document published in the Spanish language , and for warded to the AmericanMirror and Keysto ne for publication . The request of the Peruvian Masons is reasonable . They merely ask a suspension of opinion until the Grand Lodge of Peru publishes a manifesto , in which will doubtless be set forth the nature and character of the difficulties in that jurisdiction . To all t 7 ie Freemasons of ' the Stale of [ New Yo \ % and ' the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts :
Highly strange and surprising it has been to the Brethren of Lodges ' Concordia TJniversal , ^ « Estrella Polar , " and " Yirtud y Union , " of the Orient of Peru , to read , published in the Freemasons' Magazine , of Boston , dated September ult ., various pieces under the head of " Defection in Peru . After a communication from the R . W . Finlay M . King , Representative of the Grand Orient of Peru , directed to the M . W . Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts , there is an edict from the M . W . G . M . of the State of New York authorizing the publication of these documents , declaring irregular the Brethren of " Concordia Universal" and "Estrella Polar , " and prohibiting all Lodges under his jurisdiction to hold any communication with the rebellious Brethren .
Without pretending to hurt in the least manner the susceptibility of the members of the Grand Lodge , we beg to be permitted to qualify this verdict and its publication as having been , too hasty ; it injures us , because it deprives us of communicating with Brethren whom we cordially esteem , with dignitaries of those Lodges who figure in our lists as honorary members , and with Lodges that have favoured us with the like distinction , and to whom we are bound by the most sympathetic and fraternal ties . This violent proceeding might be excused in other
societies , but in the great Masonic family , amongst men wmo exercise the practice of virtue , who proclaim justice , who profess charity , who establish tolerance , and to whom it is prohibited by the laws of their holy institution to condemn without hearing , and to judge witout a form of trial , without hearing the defence that might be made , and without supposing that this accusation might be a calumnious imputation , it is very strange , it is in all points surprising , it is too precipitate a verdict and is to be considered unjust .
The major part of the Masons that form the Orient of Peru have been most sensibly affected , to read the public anathemas which the Grand Lodge of New York discharges upon them , and they have the firm conviction that all the Masonic periodicals of the United States will open their columns for the purpose of pleading justice before those who have read their condemnation . The documented manifesto that the Grand Lodge of Peru has published is more than sufficient to prove the justice of its cause . To this would have been reduced
its manifestations if the note directed by Don Francisco Quiros , who styles himself Grand Master of Masons in Peru , did not place the Grand Lodge in the disagreeable necessity of proving before the Great Masonic family the bastardism of the Grand Orient of Peru , the abuses of the members which form the Supreme Grand Council of 33 rd , and the repeated un-Masonic measures that they have taken to forward their plan of domineering . This is truly sensible that they have placed us in the unpleasant situation of opening the veil that occults their machinations , The fault is theirs—our responsibility is justified .
With the least possible delay a manifesto will be published , in which they , as well as us , will present ourselves free from all covering , to submit to the verdict of the Masonic public opinion . The interdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York has shut the doors for a private defence , which we intended to make ; the publication of tho documents inserted in the Boston Magazine , not having received any answer to our communications , and the injuries that have been inflicted upon us by slanderous aspersions forces us to use the same arms of publicity to save our credit .
The Ex-Grand Master Quiros writes on the llth of June precisely , at the time when the Peruvian Masonry only numbered four Symbolic Lodges , Concordia
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PERU . The following is almost a strict literal translation of a document published in the Spanish language , and for warded to the AmericanMirror and Keysto ne for publication . The request of the Peruvian Masons is reasonable . They merely ask a suspension of opinion until the Grand Lodge of Peru publishes a manifesto , in which will doubtless be set forth the nature and character of the difficulties in that jurisdiction . To all t 7 ie Freemasons of ' the Stale of [ New Yo \ % and ' the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts :
Highly strange and surprising it has been to the Brethren of Lodges ' Concordia TJniversal , ^ « Estrella Polar , " and " Yirtud y Union , " of the Orient of Peru , to read , published in the Freemasons' Magazine , of Boston , dated September ult ., various pieces under the head of " Defection in Peru . After a communication from the R . W . Finlay M . King , Representative of the Grand Orient of Peru , directed to the M . W . Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts , there is an edict from the M . W . G . M . of the State of New York authorizing the publication of these documents , declaring irregular the Brethren of " Concordia Universal" and "Estrella Polar , " and prohibiting all Lodges under his jurisdiction to hold any communication with the rebellious Brethren .
Without pretending to hurt in the least manner the susceptibility of the members of the Grand Lodge , we beg to be permitted to qualify this verdict and its publication as having been , too hasty ; it injures us , because it deprives us of communicating with Brethren whom we cordially esteem , with dignitaries of those Lodges who figure in our lists as honorary members , and with Lodges that have favoured us with the like distinction , and to whom we are bound by the most sympathetic and fraternal ties . This violent proceeding might be excused in other
societies , but in the great Masonic family , amongst men wmo exercise the practice of virtue , who proclaim justice , who profess charity , who establish tolerance , and to whom it is prohibited by the laws of their holy institution to condemn without hearing , and to judge witout a form of trial , without hearing the defence that might be made , and without supposing that this accusation might be a calumnious imputation , it is very strange , it is in all points surprising , it is too precipitate a verdict and is to be considered unjust .
The major part of the Masons that form the Orient of Peru have been most sensibly affected , to read the public anathemas which the Grand Lodge of New York discharges upon them , and they have the firm conviction that all the Masonic periodicals of the United States will open their columns for the purpose of pleading justice before those who have read their condemnation . The documented manifesto that the Grand Lodge of Peru has published is more than sufficient to prove the justice of its cause . To this would have been reduced
its manifestations if the note directed by Don Francisco Quiros , who styles himself Grand Master of Masons in Peru , did not place the Grand Lodge in the disagreeable necessity of proving before the Great Masonic family the bastardism of the Grand Orient of Peru , the abuses of the members which form the Supreme Grand Council of 33 rd , and the repeated un-Masonic measures that they have taken to forward their plan of domineering . This is truly sensible that they have placed us in the unpleasant situation of opening the veil that occults their machinations , The fault is theirs—our responsibility is justified .
With the least possible delay a manifesto will be published , in which they , as well as us , will present ourselves free from all covering , to submit to the verdict of the Masonic public opinion . The interdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York has shut the doors for a private defence , which we intended to make ; the publication of tho documents inserted in the Boston Magazine , not having received any answer to our communications , and the injuries that have been inflicted upon us by slanderous aspersions forces us to use the same arms of publicity to save our credit .
The Ex-Grand Master Quiros writes on the llth of June precisely , at the time when the Peruvian Masonry only numbered four Symbolic Lodges , Concordia