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accounts of the late Treasurer ( Bro . Hahnel ) having been passed , the W . M . proposed and Bro . Aznavour seconded a vote of thanks to Bro . Hahnel for his valuable services during the past year , the Secretary to record the same in the minutes . Bro . Hahnel returned thanks , and assured the Brethren he wo aid use all his energies for the benefit of the Craft , and trie Oriental Lodge in particular .
The W . M . next initiated Mr . Berthart Ternau into the mysteries of our ancient Craft . Thirteen candidates were balloted for , nine of whom were elected . The Lodge was then closed in perfect harmony at nine o ' clock , P . M . The inscription on the snuff-box presented to Bro . Evans is as follows : — " Presented by the Brethren of the Oriental Lodge , No 988 , to their Secretary , Bro . W . W . Evans , in acknowledgment of the zeal and energy displayed by him from the foundation . - —Constant ! nop ^ 1 st Ja nuary , 1858 . " v
The Mission Of Feeemasonby,
The mission of Ereemaspnry is to elevate and improve inteliectually and morally the recipients of i ts mysteries , and through the influence of its principles manifested in the life and conversation of those who have been received and accepted , " benefit mankind generally ; and as the sprig of acacia is an emblem of immortality , and as Freemasons believe that the spirit ci never , never dies , " so those whose
mental perceptions have been enlivened by the light , whose heartshave been quickened by the moral teachings of the institution , through the development of their interior perceptions have a consciousness that the advantages resulting from living a life of virtue , in accordance with the principles of Freemasonry , will not be confined to this life , but according to the harmonious laws of progression , the soul , the spirit , will after the earthly form has been entombed in its narrow house , advance onward and upward in the scale of angelic existence .
The sublime and impressive lessons taught to the candidate at his initiation into our mysteries , reveal to him , if he has the capacity and intelligence to understand , that beautiful and glorious as the teachings are which he has received , there is yet something more to be learned , a higher mystery in the arcana of Masonry which he will have to know before he can have unfolded to him the beauties of the inner sanctuary of the temple . To remain upon the threshold , on the outer porch of the temple , and not seek to acquire a knowledge of the higher mysteries of
Freemasonry , is an acknowledgment that the soul has no aspirations to advance in the scale of existence , but is content with its condition as a drawer of water , a mere drudge . By the higher mysteries we must not he understood as having reference to what are called the higher degrees of Freemasonry . We mean by the higher mysteries , the spiritual development of the moral lessons taught to the candidate at his initiation and his advancement , until he is considered a Mason , which symbolize birth , progress , and initiation into the invisible , unseen world .
Although there are comparatively few of the disciples of Freemasonry who have penetrated into the mysteries beyond the outer courts , and beheld the effulgent rays of light which shine in glorious brightness within the inner sanctuary , yet . if all who have been admitted and bowed at the altar of Freemasonry would walk according to the outer manifestations , would practice the simple lessons taught them according to the letter , the mission of Freemasonry would be so far accomplished as to illustrate to the world that tho recipients of its mysteries had been benefited by its teachings . But as the mission of Freemasonry is to elevate and
improve its disciples , morally and intellectually , there must be a gradual advancement , a progress onward and upward , to attain a higher and still higher position in creation's limitless existence , which has no end . Progress is the eternal law of God stamped upon the intellect of every child of man . Progress in the cause of humanity marks the man . The mission of Freemasonry is to unfold the capacity of man , to develope his interior life , to expand his intellect , his affections , and hie sympathies , to cause him to advance onward , to progress in accordance with the eternal and immutable law of God , and to look beyond the grave
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accounts of the late Treasurer ( Bro . Hahnel ) having been passed , the W . M . proposed and Bro . Aznavour seconded a vote of thanks to Bro . Hahnel for his valuable services during the past year , the Secretary to record the same in the minutes . Bro . Hahnel returned thanks , and assured the Brethren he wo aid use all his energies for the benefit of the Craft , and trie Oriental Lodge in particular .
The W . M . next initiated Mr . Berthart Ternau into the mysteries of our ancient Craft . Thirteen candidates were balloted for , nine of whom were elected . The Lodge was then closed in perfect harmony at nine o ' clock , P . M . The inscription on the snuff-box presented to Bro . Evans is as follows : — " Presented by the Brethren of the Oriental Lodge , No 988 , to their Secretary , Bro . W . W . Evans , in acknowledgment of the zeal and energy displayed by him from the foundation . - —Constant ! nop ^ 1 st Ja nuary , 1858 . " v
The Mission Of Feeemasonby,
The mission of Ereemaspnry is to elevate and improve inteliectually and morally the recipients of i ts mysteries , and through the influence of its principles manifested in the life and conversation of those who have been received and accepted , " benefit mankind generally ; and as the sprig of acacia is an emblem of immortality , and as Freemasons believe that the spirit ci never , never dies , " so those whose
mental perceptions have been enlivened by the light , whose heartshave been quickened by the moral teachings of the institution , through the development of their interior perceptions have a consciousness that the advantages resulting from living a life of virtue , in accordance with the principles of Freemasonry , will not be confined to this life , but according to the harmonious laws of progression , the soul , the spirit , will after the earthly form has been entombed in its narrow house , advance onward and upward in the scale of angelic existence .
The sublime and impressive lessons taught to the candidate at his initiation into our mysteries , reveal to him , if he has the capacity and intelligence to understand , that beautiful and glorious as the teachings are which he has received , there is yet something more to be learned , a higher mystery in the arcana of Masonry which he will have to know before he can have unfolded to him the beauties of the inner sanctuary of the temple . To remain upon the threshold , on the outer porch of the temple , and not seek to acquire a knowledge of the higher mysteries of
Freemasonry , is an acknowledgment that the soul has no aspirations to advance in the scale of existence , but is content with its condition as a drawer of water , a mere drudge . By the higher mysteries we must not he understood as having reference to what are called the higher degrees of Freemasonry . We mean by the higher mysteries , the spiritual development of the moral lessons taught to the candidate at his initiation and his advancement , until he is considered a Mason , which symbolize birth , progress , and initiation into the invisible , unseen world .
Although there are comparatively few of the disciples of Freemasonry who have penetrated into the mysteries beyond the outer courts , and beheld the effulgent rays of light which shine in glorious brightness within the inner sanctuary , yet . if all who have been admitted and bowed at the altar of Freemasonry would walk according to the outer manifestations , would practice the simple lessons taught them according to the letter , the mission of Freemasonry would be so far accomplished as to illustrate to the world that tho recipients of its mysteries had been benefited by its teachings . But as the mission of Freemasonry is to elevate and
improve its disciples , morally and intellectually , there must be a gradual advancement , a progress onward and upward , to attain a higher and still higher position in creation's limitless existence , which has no end . Progress is the eternal law of God stamped upon the intellect of every child of man . Progress in the cause of humanity marks the man . The mission of Freemasonry is to unfold the capacity of man , to develope his interior life , to expand his intellect , his affections , and hie sympathies , to cause him to advance onward , to progress in accordance with the eternal and immutable law of God , and to look beyond the grave