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Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —This Lodge called a meeting of its members on Tuesday the 2 nd of March . Bro . Perry man , W . M ., presided , being well supported by Bros . Glendinning , Backstraw , C . Lee , J . Burton , and H . Friend , P . Ms . j all the Officers below the Chair being also present . Mr . Worrell was balloted for and received the honour of initiation . This being the only business of importance , the Brethren adjourned to supper , to which the foliowii ^ visitors were invited , viz ., Bros . Watts , W . M . No . 237 ; Laughton , No . 237 ; Young , P . M . No . 237 ; Murst , No . 30 ; Dade / No . 237 ; Cheswright , No . 663 ; Beuler , No . 215 ; G . Taylor , No . 778 , and Champs , No . 11 . The cloth being cleared , the
W . M . proposed " The Queen the and Craft , " which being most loyally responded to , ¦ "The Earl of Zetland , " and " Lord Panmure , " were severally given , after which the W . M . proposed Ci The Visitors , " paying compliments to the wellknown talents of each , concluding with drawing the attention of the Brethren to the coincidence that the visitors of No . 9 on this occasion numbered nine . The
toast was received with considerable applause , and duly acknowledged by Bro . Champs , who offered a just tribute of praise for -Jhe . excellent and pleasing way his friend , now Bro ., Worrell had been initiated into the Order by the W . M . ; in conclusion he would thank them all on behalf of himself and the visitors , and begged to say , that if any member was bold enough to propose him he should certainly
join the Lodge . Bro . Friend , the immediate P . M ., proposed . " The Health of the W . M . Bro . Perryman , " who returned thanks , and made some very pertinent remarks upon the beauties of Freemasonry , urging every Brother to carry out the principles of the Order as far as in him lay , and not forget in present enjoyment his less fortunate Brethren , and his duty to the Great Architect above . This
was followed by " The Past Masters , Officers , & c , " after which the W . M . gave the " Masonic Charities , " calling upon Brother James Burton to respond . Bro . Burton said he regretted so humble a Brother as himself had been called upon to respond to such an important matter as the charities connected with this great Order . Circumstances prevented him being so great a supporter of the institution as he desired , but he did his best . The schools , he was happy to say , were
in a flourishing condition , the Girls' of course predominating , inasmuch as the Boys' institution was founded more recently . The Girls' School had been established ever since 1786 , and not a solitary instance had been known of any of its inmates bringing discredit on it . The boys were educated in a manner to fit them for mercantile or other pursuits . These institutions he ( Bro . Burton ) believed were well supported . There were other institutions connected with this Order which did not receive the amount of patronage they really deserved ; he alluded to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows ; this excellent
fund gave the right of voting to every subscriber of five shillings a year . He ( Bro . Burton ) must say , he felt a little ashamed of the lukewarmnoss of Brethren towards that charity ; lie would not enter into any detail , the subject having been most eloquently dilated upon at two other Lodges latety . He meant to keep up a sort of agitation by referring briefly , but frequently , to this matter , and he hoped to live to see the day when every Lodge would give a guinea , and every Mason his five shillings a year , which would place this institution above any in the world . The Brethren having passed a pleasant evening , adjourned until the first evening in the ensuing month .
Westminster and Key-Stone Lodge ( No . 10 . ) -The meeting of Wednesday , 3 rd instant , was presided over by the W . M . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon ; and we cannot avoid expressing the gratification it affords us to find that though his lordship has recently undertaken the cares and anxieties of an onerous and responsible office in a higher and more important sphere of labour , it will in no way militate against the discharge of the duties appertaining to his position in the Craft . The
business comprised one passing—that of a member of No . 460 , and the discussion of two notices of motion , which were unanimously adopted . Several Brethren were proposed as joining members , and one gentleman as a candidate for initiation . The banquet was excellent , and every tiling passed off most agreeably . Karely has there happened an occasion when brotherly love , good fellowship , and that unanimity of feeling which should at all times characterise j ^ reemasons , have been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —This Lodge called a meeting of its members on Tuesday the 2 nd of March . Bro . Perry man , W . M ., presided , being well supported by Bros . Glendinning , Backstraw , C . Lee , J . Burton , and H . Friend , P . Ms . j all the Officers below the Chair being also present . Mr . Worrell was balloted for and received the honour of initiation . This being the only business of importance , the Brethren adjourned to supper , to which the foliowii ^ visitors were invited , viz ., Bros . Watts , W . M . No . 237 ; Laughton , No . 237 ; Young , P . M . No . 237 ; Murst , No . 30 ; Dade / No . 237 ; Cheswright , No . 663 ; Beuler , No . 215 ; G . Taylor , No . 778 , and Champs , No . 11 . The cloth being cleared , the
W . M . proposed " The Queen the and Craft , " which being most loyally responded to , ¦ "The Earl of Zetland , " and " Lord Panmure , " were severally given , after which the W . M . proposed Ci The Visitors , " paying compliments to the wellknown talents of each , concluding with drawing the attention of the Brethren to the coincidence that the visitors of No . 9 on this occasion numbered nine . The
toast was received with considerable applause , and duly acknowledged by Bro . Champs , who offered a just tribute of praise for -Jhe . excellent and pleasing way his friend , now Bro ., Worrell had been initiated into the Order by the W . M . ; in conclusion he would thank them all on behalf of himself and the visitors , and begged to say , that if any member was bold enough to propose him he should certainly
join the Lodge . Bro . Friend , the immediate P . M ., proposed . " The Health of the W . M . Bro . Perryman , " who returned thanks , and made some very pertinent remarks upon the beauties of Freemasonry , urging every Brother to carry out the principles of the Order as far as in him lay , and not forget in present enjoyment his less fortunate Brethren , and his duty to the Great Architect above . This
was followed by " The Past Masters , Officers , & c , " after which the W . M . gave the " Masonic Charities , " calling upon Brother James Burton to respond . Bro . Burton said he regretted so humble a Brother as himself had been called upon to respond to such an important matter as the charities connected with this great Order . Circumstances prevented him being so great a supporter of the institution as he desired , but he did his best . The schools , he was happy to say , were
in a flourishing condition , the Girls' of course predominating , inasmuch as the Boys' institution was founded more recently . The Girls' School had been established ever since 1786 , and not a solitary instance had been known of any of its inmates bringing discredit on it . The boys were educated in a manner to fit them for mercantile or other pursuits . These institutions he ( Bro . Burton ) believed were well supported . There were other institutions connected with this Order which did not receive the amount of patronage they really deserved ; he alluded to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows ; this excellent
fund gave the right of voting to every subscriber of five shillings a year . He ( Bro . Burton ) must say , he felt a little ashamed of the lukewarmnoss of Brethren towards that charity ; lie would not enter into any detail , the subject having been most eloquently dilated upon at two other Lodges latety . He meant to keep up a sort of agitation by referring briefly , but frequently , to this matter , and he hoped to live to see the day when every Lodge would give a guinea , and every Mason his five shillings a year , which would place this institution above any in the world . The Brethren having passed a pleasant evening , adjourned until the first evening in the ensuing month .
Westminster and Key-Stone Lodge ( No . 10 . ) -The meeting of Wednesday , 3 rd instant , was presided over by the W . M . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon ; and we cannot avoid expressing the gratification it affords us to find that though his lordship has recently undertaken the cares and anxieties of an onerous and responsible office in a higher and more important sphere of labour , it will in no way militate against the discharge of the duties appertaining to his position in the Craft . The
business comprised one passing—that of a member of No . 460 , and the discussion of two notices of motion , which were unanimously adopted . Several Brethren were proposed as joining members , and one gentleman as a candidate for initiation . The banquet was excellent , and every tiling passed off most agreeably . Karely has there happened an occasion when brotherly love , good fellowship , and that unanimity of feeling which should at all times characterise j ^ reemasons , have been