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Lodge of Unity ( No . 82 ) . —This Lodge called an emergency meeting on Monday , the 1 st instant , for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason ' s Degree upon Bro . Cox ( son of the Bev . Bro . Edmund Cox , Grand Chaplain ) , who is shortly to leave these shores for the East . Bro . Frederick Slight , P . M ., presided , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Bro . Watts . The ceremony of raising was beautifully performed by Bro , Slight , who , after giving the M . M . Degree to Bro . Cox , was called upon to repeat the ceremony for Bro . Horsley , who was accordingly raised . The Lodge was closed with solemn j > rayer , hearty good wishes being expressed for Bro . Cox ^ safe arrival at his place of destination . .. '¦'"
Royal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 85 ) . —This increasing Lodge held a meeting on the first of the month , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , an unusually large number of the Brethren being present . The -W . M .., Bro . Lawson , we regret to say , was absent from ill-health . Bro . Coefield , P . M . and Secretary , was called upon to officiate , performing the duties of the W . M . most satisfactorily . Two gentlemen , Messrs . George Scone and Miles Stapelton , who had been proposed at the previous meeting , being present were balloted for , introduced , and initiated into Freemasonry . This being the only business , the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshmensfc , which was followed by various appropriate
toasts . Bro . Scone acknowledged that of u The Initiates , in which he said that having heard much of Masonryjhe had long desired to become one amongst them , but his business avocations ' requiring his presence at different parts of the world , he thought that might be a bar to his entering so excellent an Order . He was , however , glad to find that such was not the case , for as a bird of passage he was now convinced that his association with Masonry would materially assist his progress through those portions of the globe where Masonry was known . The health of the P . Ms ., Bros . Coefield , Parr , Nunn , and Stroud , were drunk and responded to . Several other toasts followed , and a pleasant evening terminated soon after eleven .
Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , at Bro . Painter ' s , the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhalb street , when the W . M ., Bro . Hastelow raised Bros . Ellis and White to the sublime Degree of M . M . The Plonorary Secretary , Bro . Beard , read several communications , and , after the disposal of some business of an ordinary character , the Brethren adjourned to banquet .
Lodge of Good Bepobt ( No . 158 ) . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Thursday the 4 th of March , at Radley ' s Hotel , in New Bridge-street . Bro . Newman Ward , W . M ., presided , all the Officers and several P . Ms , being present . Bro , Charles Smale , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . Fish , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . To Bro . Ward ' s energy the increasing prosperity of this old-established and respectable Lodge is mainly due ; it is now one of the bestworked Lodges in the Metropolis .
Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . This Lodge held a meeting of its members on the 2 nd instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bros . JefFeries and Nicholson dividing the labours of the evening , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Jackson . Bros . Terry and Sankey were intrusted with the Degree of M . M . ; Bros . Broadribb , West field , and Bertin received the Fellow Craft ' s Degree , and Messrs . Stevens , Hoadly , and Smith were introduced , and initiated into this most noble Order . The Masonic ability of the Past Masters who performed these duties is too well known to require comment . The Brethren favoured with the advanced Degrees , as well as those initiated , expressed their thanks for the honour
done them . Bro . Enunens , P . M " . and Secretary , addressed the Lodge , and stated that he had lately attended the Lodge of Benevolence , to support the petition ol an old P . M . of this Lodge , and was happy to say that the liberal sum of twenty pounds was awarded their unfortunate Brother , who desired him ( Bro . Enunens ) to express his grateful thanks for this timely assistance , which , but for the kind recommendation of this "Lodge , ho could never have hoped for . Before concluding , Tiro . Enunens proposed , that five guineas should be voted to the Boys ' School , anc [ a similar sum . to the Girls ' School—these sums to aid the subscri p tion-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge of Unity ( No . 82 ) . —This Lodge called an emergency meeting on Monday , the 1 st instant , for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason ' s Degree upon Bro . Cox ( son of the Bev . Bro . Edmund Cox , Grand Chaplain ) , who is shortly to leave these shores for the East . Bro . Frederick Slight , P . M ., presided , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Bro . Watts . The ceremony of raising was beautifully performed by Bro , Slight , who , after giving the M . M . Degree to Bro . Cox , was called upon to repeat the ceremony for Bro . Horsley , who was accordingly raised . The Lodge was closed with solemn j > rayer , hearty good wishes being expressed for Bro . Cox ^ safe arrival at his place of destination . .. '¦'"
Royal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 85 ) . —This increasing Lodge held a meeting on the first of the month , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , an unusually large number of the Brethren being present . The -W . M .., Bro . Lawson , we regret to say , was absent from ill-health . Bro . Coefield , P . M . and Secretary , was called upon to officiate , performing the duties of the W . M . most satisfactorily . Two gentlemen , Messrs . George Scone and Miles Stapelton , who had been proposed at the previous meeting , being present were balloted for , introduced , and initiated into Freemasonry . This being the only business , the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshmensfc , which was followed by various appropriate
toasts . Bro . Scone acknowledged that of u The Initiates , in which he said that having heard much of Masonryjhe had long desired to become one amongst them , but his business avocations ' requiring his presence at different parts of the world , he thought that might be a bar to his entering so excellent an Order . He was , however , glad to find that such was not the case , for as a bird of passage he was now convinced that his association with Masonry would materially assist his progress through those portions of the globe where Masonry was known . The health of the P . Ms ., Bros . Coefield , Parr , Nunn , and Stroud , were drunk and responded to . Several other toasts followed , and a pleasant evening terminated soon after eleven .
Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , at Bro . Painter ' s , the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhalb street , when the W . M ., Bro . Hastelow raised Bros . Ellis and White to the sublime Degree of M . M . The Plonorary Secretary , Bro . Beard , read several communications , and , after the disposal of some business of an ordinary character , the Brethren adjourned to banquet .
Lodge of Good Bepobt ( No . 158 ) . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Thursday the 4 th of March , at Radley ' s Hotel , in New Bridge-street . Bro . Newman Ward , W . M ., presided , all the Officers and several P . Ms , being present . Bro , Charles Smale , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . Fish , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . To Bro . Ward ' s energy the increasing prosperity of this old-established and respectable Lodge is mainly due ; it is now one of the bestworked Lodges in the Metropolis .
Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . This Lodge held a meeting of its members on the 2 nd instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bros . JefFeries and Nicholson dividing the labours of the evening , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Jackson . Bros . Terry and Sankey were intrusted with the Degree of M . M . ; Bros . Broadribb , West field , and Bertin received the Fellow Craft ' s Degree , and Messrs . Stevens , Hoadly , and Smith were introduced , and initiated into this most noble Order . The Masonic ability of the Past Masters who performed these duties is too well known to require comment . The Brethren favoured with the advanced Degrees , as well as those initiated , expressed their thanks for the honour
done them . Bro . Enunens , P . M " . and Secretary , addressed the Lodge , and stated that he had lately attended the Lodge of Benevolence , to support the petition ol an old P . M . of this Lodge , and was happy to say that the liberal sum of twenty pounds was awarded their unfortunate Brother , who desired him ( Bro . Enunens ) to express his grateful thanks for this timely assistance , which , but for the kind recommendation of this "Lodge , ho could never have hoped for . Before concluding , Tiro . Enunens proposed , that five guineas should be voted to the Boys ' School , anc [ a similar sum . to the Girls ' School—these sums to aid the subscri p tion-