Article METROPOLITAN ← Page 5 of 7 →
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lists of Bro . Jackson , their W . M ., and Bro . Waters , who would respectively represent the ec Old Concord , " at the approaching anniversary festivals of these institutions . The Brethren then adjourned to banquet , after having closed the Lodge in proper form . The cloth being cleared , Brother Jefferies , as chairman , proposed '' The Queen and the Craft , " which was followed by the National Anthem , well sung by Bros . Emmens ^ Webb , and Taylor . The Earl of Zetland and Lord Panmure were then proposed as the heads of the Order , each toast being received with the usual
Masonic honours . " The Health of t ] ie Initiates "followed , with thanks to them for selecting this Lodge for admission into the noble science of Freemasonry . The initiates having returned thanks , Bro . Einmehs solicited the use of the gavel , and called upon the Brethren to assist him in paying a tribute of respect to the absent-Mastery but whose absence was occasioned by . circumstances over which he had no control . Brethren would infer from that , that business matters alone prevented the attendance of their W . M . at this meeting ; and although som 6 miles away , he was sure he was with them in spirit . Bro . Maney , as Senior Warden ,
was entrusted with the complimentary toast to the P . Ms ., which he proposed in very eloquent terms , calling ; the attention of the Brethren to the fact of this evening showing how essential it was to have good Past Masters . The working of the Brethren w ho had performed the duties " of the Chair in the absence of their W . M . was of that character to uphold the dignity of any Lodge ; he ( Bro . Maney ) felt proud of the P . Ms ., and was assured , with their assistance , no Brother need
fear aiming at the high position of chairman of this Lodge . In conclusion , he must express regret at the absence of one of their P . Ms ., the excellent Treasurer , Bro . Kennedy ., more particularly as it was occasioned by a domestic affliction . The toast was received with enthusiasm . Brother Blackburn , W . M ., No . 169 , acknowledged the " -toast ' of the "Visitors . The Brethren soon after separated , Several songs were sung by Bros . Webb , H . Taylor , P . Corri , and Master Haydn Corri .
St .. James s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , the 2 nd instant . Bro . P . Croffon , W . M ' ., being attended by his Officers , opened Lodge soon after three o ' clock , when four American gentlemen ( members of the well-known party of Christy ' s minstrels ) were balloted for , and initiated into the Order . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 281 ) . —The duties of this Lodge were resumed at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last , the 4 th instant , upon which occasion there "ii . i * i ~ r i i * l * t * i"l f * 11 ii business tne
was a goodly muster ; the ijodge Deing admirably pertormeu by M . C ., Bro . Alfred Bichards . Mr . Charles Hibbard was initiated into the Order , and Bro . Albert Brandowski passed to the decree of Fellow Craft ; after which Bro . Benjamin West , P . M . and Secretary , read a report of the Audit Committee , which gave a very satisfactory account of the thriving state of the Lodge . It was observed that the Lodge had not been in so flourishing a position for a number of years , and thanks were voted to the Committee . Bro . W . Warr , J . D ., then obtained permission to address the Chair , and said that ,-having understood the jewel of the office which he unworthily filled wasfromsoine cause missing , he had taken
the liberty of having anew one made , which he respectfully solicited the Lodge to accept . The W . M ., in the name of the Lodge , thanked the worthy Brother , and in investing him with the jewel , hoped that Bro . Warr might live to see it worn by others for many years to come . Bro . Messent , S . W ., next rose , and said : " Worshipful Master , sometime since I put a question to the Lodge , in reference to our late regretted Tyler , Bro . Longstaff , feeling that some display of our sympathy was required for an old servant , who , I believe , has left his family in anything
but prosperous circumstances . I was then told that at the proper time the subject would be adverted to , —may . 1 ask if that time has arrived ? " The W . M . in reply said : " I shall he glad to propose that a letter of condolence be forwarded to Bro . LongstafPsfamily expressive of our esteem for him as a good Mason , as well as a faithful servitor , furthermore , that it should be accompanied by some substantial mnrk of our appreciation of the Brother , who passed the chair of this Lodge three times , and was afterwards compelled by adverse circumstances to take a position outside the door of the Lodge . " It was then arranged that a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
lists of Bro . Jackson , their W . M ., and Bro . Waters , who would respectively represent the ec Old Concord , " at the approaching anniversary festivals of these institutions . The Brethren then adjourned to banquet , after having closed the Lodge in proper form . The cloth being cleared , Brother Jefferies , as chairman , proposed '' The Queen and the Craft , " which was followed by the National Anthem , well sung by Bros . Emmens ^ Webb , and Taylor . The Earl of Zetland and Lord Panmure were then proposed as the heads of the Order , each toast being received with the usual
Masonic honours . " The Health of t ] ie Initiates "followed , with thanks to them for selecting this Lodge for admission into the noble science of Freemasonry . The initiates having returned thanks , Bro . Einmehs solicited the use of the gavel , and called upon the Brethren to assist him in paying a tribute of respect to the absent-Mastery but whose absence was occasioned by . circumstances over which he had no control . Brethren would infer from that , that business matters alone prevented the attendance of their W . M . at this meeting ; and although som 6 miles away , he was sure he was with them in spirit . Bro . Maney , as Senior Warden ,
was entrusted with the complimentary toast to the P . Ms ., which he proposed in very eloquent terms , calling ; the attention of the Brethren to the fact of this evening showing how essential it was to have good Past Masters . The working of the Brethren w ho had performed the duties " of the Chair in the absence of their W . M . was of that character to uphold the dignity of any Lodge ; he ( Bro . Maney ) felt proud of the P . Ms ., and was assured , with their assistance , no Brother need
fear aiming at the high position of chairman of this Lodge . In conclusion , he must express regret at the absence of one of their P . Ms ., the excellent Treasurer , Bro . Kennedy ., more particularly as it was occasioned by a domestic affliction . The toast was received with enthusiasm . Brother Blackburn , W . M ., No . 169 , acknowledged the " -toast ' of the "Visitors . The Brethren soon after separated , Several songs were sung by Bros . Webb , H . Taylor , P . Corri , and Master Haydn Corri .
St .. James s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , the 2 nd instant . Bro . P . Croffon , W . M ' ., being attended by his Officers , opened Lodge soon after three o ' clock , when four American gentlemen ( members of the well-known party of Christy ' s minstrels ) were balloted for , and initiated into the Order . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 281 ) . —The duties of this Lodge were resumed at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last , the 4 th instant , upon which occasion there "ii . i * i ~ r i i * l * t * i"l f * 11 ii business tne
was a goodly muster ; the ijodge Deing admirably pertormeu by M . C ., Bro . Alfred Bichards . Mr . Charles Hibbard was initiated into the Order , and Bro . Albert Brandowski passed to the decree of Fellow Craft ; after which Bro . Benjamin West , P . M . and Secretary , read a report of the Audit Committee , which gave a very satisfactory account of the thriving state of the Lodge . It was observed that the Lodge had not been in so flourishing a position for a number of years , and thanks were voted to the Committee . Bro . W . Warr , J . D ., then obtained permission to address the Chair , and said that ,-having understood the jewel of the office which he unworthily filled wasfromsoine cause missing , he had taken
the liberty of having anew one made , which he respectfully solicited the Lodge to accept . The W . M ., in the name of the Lodge , thanked the worthy Brother , and in investing him with the jewel , hoped that Bro . Warr might live to see it worn by others for many years to come . Bro . Messent , S . W ., next rose , and said : " Worshipful Master , sometime since I put a question to the Lodge , in reference to our late regretted Tyler , Bro . Longstaff , feeling that some display of our sympathy was required for an old servant , who , I believe , has left his family in anything
but prosperous circumstances . I was then told that at the proper time the subject would be adverted to , —may . 1 ask if that time has arrived ? " The W . M . in reply said : " I shall he glad to propose that a letter of condolence be forwarded to Bro . LongstafPsfamily expressive of our esteem for him as a good Mason , as well as a faithful servitor , furthermore , that it should be accompanied by some substantial mnrk of our appreciation of the Brother , who passed the chair of this Lodge three times , and was afterwards compelled by adverse circumstances to take a position outside the door of the Lodge . " It was then arranged that a