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with solemn prayer at half-past eight , and the Brethren adjourned to the supperroom , where tfyey spent a very happy evening . Liverpool . —Mariner ' s Lodge ( No . 310 ) .- —The Brethren met at their Lodge rooms on Thursday the 4 th hist . The W . M ., Bro . Wilson , in the East , and Bro . Hamer , P . M . ' and P . G . D . C , for West Lancashire , occupying the West . Bros . Pearson and Galbraith having "been examined , were duly passed . The votes of the Lodge in favour of Bro , Harper , a candidate for the Benevolent Institution
were ordered to be sent to him . A Chapter Warrant connected with this Lodge has been in abeyance for some time ; the Secretary was ordered to procure it from the late Treasurer , with a view of reviving the Chapter and putting it into working order . It was announced that a person was n ow residing in premises connected with the Lodge rooms who was a Cowan , professing himself a Mason , and using false signs , and the Brethren were cautioned as to their demeanour towards him , Among many cases of relief , Bro , Solomon Cohen appealed io the
Lodge for assistance , and stated that he wished to go to America , upon which a sum of money was voted , to he paid as part of his passage money when he had made his arrangements and fixed upon a vessel . Bro , Pepper , P . M ., reported the death of Brp . Hitchcock of this Lodge , and that he had been interred in the grave belonging to Lodge No . 310 , in St . John ' s Churchyard . This grave was formerly the property of the " Sea Captains' Lodge , " No . 115 , and the date on the stone is 1802 , Several propositions for initiation and joining having been made , the Lodge closed in time , form , and harmony .
LEICESTEESHIKE . App ointments . — Lodge . — Thursday , March j 8 th , John of Gaunt (? 6 Q ) t Three Crowns , Hotel s Leicester , at 7 Chapter . —Fortitude and St . Augustine ( 343 and 766—amalgamated ) , Bell Hotel , Leicester , at 3 . Leicester . —St . Jolirts Lodge ( No . 348 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday last , at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , according to regular summons . The Brethren present were Bros . W . J . Windram , W . M . ; W . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; John Holland , Jun ., S . W . ; Alfred Cummings , J . W . ;
N " . Nedham , Sec . ; H . Kinder , P . M . and S . D . ; Wheeler , J . D . ; Bouskill , I . G . ; H . E . Emberlin and Snowdon ; and Bros . Bichard Havers , P . M . of No . 5 , and W . Johnson , Jun ., J . D . of No . 766 , visitors . A ballot was taken for Mr . Edward Rawson Denton , of Leicester , as a candidate for our mysteries , who , being elected and present , was duly initiated in an efficient manner by the W . M . and his officers ; after which the charge was given to the newly made Bro . by the J . W ., and the lecture on the Tracing-board delivered by the D . Prov . G . M . A circular
was read , applying for aid in furtherance of a subscription for the benefit of the widow of a late eminent legal Brother , who is left in destitute circumstances , the consideration of which was postponed until the next meeting in consequence of the absence of the Treasurer , and the small attendance of Brethren owing to the inclemency of the weather . After the Lodge was closed , the Brethren passed a cheerful evening together .
John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 7 §( $ ) . —A special meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Three Crowns Hotel , on Thursday evening last , for the purpose of initiating Charles George Mere wether , Esq ., of the Midland Circuit , into the mysteries of the Order . A considerable number of Brethren were present , among whom were Bros . William Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Millican , Clephan , Goodyer , Hardy , andKinton , P . Ms . ; Willey , J . W . ; Sheppard , Sec . ; J . D . Paid , S . D . : W . Johnson , J . D . : E . Brewin , Jun ., I . G ., & c . & c . Among the visitors
were Bros . Cockle , Smith , Ii . Heyrick Palmer , and Field , of the Midland Circuit ; and C . Morris , P . M ., Weare , Emberlin , Dr . Sloane , Wheeler , and Holland , S . W . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 348 . Bros . C . T . Freer ( High Sheriff of the County ) , Sir A . G . Hazlerigg , Bart , ( both of whom are members of the Lodge ) , and the Mayor of Leicester ( Bro . Underwood , P . M . of No . 348 , and Prov . Grand Treas . ) were unavoidably absent , in consequence of the customary dinner given by the High Sheriff to the Grand Jury taking place on the same evening . The D . Prov . G . M . presided in the absence , through illness , of the W . M . Bro *
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with solemn prayer at half-past eight , and the Brethren adjourned to the supperroom , where tfyey spent a very happy evening . Liverpool . —Mariner ' s Lodge ( No . 310 ) .- —The Brethren met at their Lodge rooms on Thursday the 4 th hist . The W . M ., Bro . Wilson , in the East , and Bro . Hamer , P . M . ' and P . G . D . C , for West Lancashire , occupying the West . Bros . Pearson and Galbraith having "been examined , were duly passed . The votes of the Lodge in favour of Bro , Harper , a candidate for the Benevolent Institution
were ordered to be sent to him . A Chapter Warrant connected with this Lodge has been in abeyance for some time ; the Secretary was ordered to procure it from the late Treasurer , with a view of reviving the Chapter and putting it into working order . It was announced that a person was n ow residing in premises connected with the Lodge rooms who was a Cowan , professing himself a Mason , and using false signs , and the Brethren were cautioned as to their demeanour towards him , Among many cases of relief , Bro , Solomon Cohen appealed io the
Lodge for assistance , and stated that he wished to go to America , upon which a sum of money was voted , to he paid as part of his passage money when he had made his arrangements and fixed upon a vessel . Bro , Pepper , P . M ., reported the death of Brp . Hitchcock of this Lodge , and that he had been interred in the grave belonging to Lodge No . 310 , in St . John ' s Churchyard . This grave was formerly the property of the " Sea Captains' Lodge , " No . 115 , and the date on the stone is 1802 , Several propositions for initiation and joining having been made , the Lodge closed in time , form , and harmony .
LEICESTEESHIKE . App ointments . — Lodge . — Thursday , March j 8 th , John of Gaunt (? 6 Q ) t Three Crowns , Hotel s Leicester , at 7 Chapter . —Fortitude and St . Augustine ( 343 and 766—amalgamated ) , Bell Hotel , Leicester , at 3 . Leicester . —St . Jolirts Lodge ( No . 348 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday last , at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , according to regular summons . The Brethren present were Bros . W . J . Windram , W . M . ; W . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; John Holland , Jun ., S . W . ; Alfred Cummings , J . W . ;
N " . Nedham , Sec . ; H . Kinder , P . M . and S . D . ; Wheeler , J . D . ; Bouskill , I . G . ; H . E . Emberlin and Snowdon ; and Bros . Bichard Havers , P . M . of No . 5 , and W . Johnson , Jun ., J . D . of No . 766 , visitors . A ballot was taken for Mr . Edward Rawson Denton , of Leicester , as a candidate for our mysteries , who , being elected and present , was duly initiated in an efficient manner by the W . M . and his officers ; after which the charge was given to the newly made Bro . by the J . W ., and the lecture on the Tracing-board delivered by the D . Prov . G . M . A circular
was read , applying for aid in furtherance of a subscription for the benefit of the widow of a late eminent legal Brother , who is left in destitute circumstances , the consideration of which was postponed until the next meeting in consequence of the absence of the Treasurer , and the small attendance of Brethren owing to the inclemency of the weather . After the Lodge was closed , the Brethren passed a cheerful evening together .
John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 7 §( $ ) . —A special meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Three Crowns Hotel , on Thursday evening last , for the purpose of initiating Charles George Mere wether , Esq ., of the Midland Circuit , into the mysteries of the Order . A considerable number of Brethren were present , among whom were Bros . William Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Millican , Clephan , Goodyer , Hardy , andKinton , P . Ms . ; Willey , J . W . ; Sheppard , Sec . ; J . D . Paid , S . D . : W . Johnson , J . D . : E . Brewin , Jun ., I . G ., & c . & c . Among the visitors
were Bros . Cockle , Smith , Ii . Heyrick Palmer , and Field , of the Midland Circuit ; and C . Morris , P . M ., Weare , Emberlin , Dr . Sloane , Wheeler , and Holland , S . W . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 348 . Bros . C . T . Freer ( High Sheriff of the County ) , Sir A . G . Hazlerigg , Bart , ( both of whom are members of the Lodge ) , and the Mayor of Leicester ( Bro . Underwood , P . M . of No . 348 , and Prov . Grand Treas . ) were unavoidably absent , in consequence of the customary dinner given by the High Sheriff to the Grand Jury taking place on the same evening . The D . Prov . G . M . presided in the absence , through illness , of the W . M . Bro *