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truth , they had never seen them ; and why a Supreme Grand officer should endorse the fcame when he knew well that it was false . The conduct of this latter officer requires special inquiry into , as his name appears on the diplomas as acting J . on the occasion when the said exaltations are represented to have taken place , and also as signing pro Supreme Grand Recorder— -thus knowingly making the Supreme Grand Chapter itself a party to the irregularity . ( i
We also recommend a general inquiry into the issue of the said Royal Arch diplomas , with the view to discover the extent of the practice , —a practice which we need not inform you in effect invalidates all genuine certificates , it having come to our knowledge that another person possesses a similar irregular diploma . " We leave the matter in your hands with the full conviction , from a knowledge of your high and unimpeachable character , that it will receive the due examination its importance requires . — -We remain , & c . " ( Signed by seven of the Brethren of the London Mark Master Lodges , Nos . 1 , 3 , and 4 ) . / ' '
On considering which the Supreme Grand Chapter found , enacted , and declared in terms of a report thereon by Grand Committee , a copy of which we are enabled to subjoin : ~~ " Scribes ? 0 $ ce 27 th Januari / , 1858 . u ( Called on requisition by chairman of committee . )
" A petition from Bros . H . G . Warren , C . J . Hughes , and others , connected with the Mark Lodges in London , was laid before the meeting , having considered which , the standing committee is of opinion , — " 1 . That it is not its duty to take cognizance of articles published in magazines unless the article be offensive to > or injurious to the rights of , the Supreme Chapter , when , if the writer acknowledge the authorship , and be under its juris * diction , farther steps may be taken .
" 2 . That the Supreme Chapter ( as well as the Grand Lodge ) of Scotland have never used two forms of diplomas , one for exaltation , the other for affiliationthese being held synonymous . On any Chapter making a return of one or other , the Grand Scribe E ., acting as Recorder , registers the Companion ' s name , signs the certificate of registration at the bottom of a diploma ( when asked for ) , and transmits it to the Chapter to be filled up ; but that Chapter is not allowed to make alterations or to insert ' affiliation ' in place of ' exaltation . ' The Supreme Chapter itself grants no diploma , but merely the certificate of registration .
" 3 . The diploma issued by the Esk Dalkeith Chapter was neither * spurious , nor ' irregular , ' as stated in the petition , although capable of being so misconstrued . The 'Ob . ' mentioned therein is that entered into in the Chapter in which one became first a Royal Arch Mason , and does not require to be repeated when affiliated in or visiting another Chapter . " 4 . The Supreme Chapter , on 19 th March , 1851 , passed a new law for the
affiliation of Companions from England , Ireland , or abroad . This contains two clauses—the one as to the mere affiliation , which did not require the person to be present at the time , but only to show evidence that he had been regularly exalted elsewhere ; the other applies to an obligation he must take , in an open Chapter holding of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland , before he can be recognized in the Chapter .
" The standing committee consider itself , therefore , restricted to the inquiry whether the Esk Dalkeith Chapter took means to have the candidates duly obligated before receiving their diplomas . The law is unfortunately not clear on this point , but such seems to have been intended , otherwise the holder of a diploma might appear in Chapters when the Mark , Past , and Excellent Degrees were practised , without being properly obligated , and consider himself at liberty to
reveal what passed . From the explanation given by the Grand Scribe E ., he did not perceive at the time that such a consequence could result , and as means were to be taken without delay to obligate the individuals who got the diplomas , he considered he was not acting incorrectly in the advice he gave the Esk Dalkeith Chapter . The result has shown him his mistake , for which he has expressed his deep regret . As ; in the present case , no injury has been done , the committee
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truth , they had never seen them ; and why a Supreme Grand officer should endorse the fcame when he knew well that it was false . The conduct of this latter officer requires special inquiry into , as his name appears on the diplomas as acting J . on the occasion when the said exaltations are represented to have taken place , and also as signing pro Supreme Grand Recorder— -thus knowingly making the Supreme Grand Chapter itself a party to the irregularity . ( i
We also recommend a general inquiry into the issue of the said Royal Arch diplomas , with the view to discover the extent of the practice , —a practice which we need not inform you in effect invalidates all genuine certificates , it having come to our knowledge that another person possesses a similar irregular diploma . " We leave the matter in your hands with the full conviction , from a knowledge of your high and unimpeachable character , that it will receive the due examination its importance requires . — -We remain , & c . " ( Signed by seven of the Brethren of the London Mark Master Lodges , Nos . 1 , 3 , and 4 ) . / ' '
On considering which the Supreme Grand Chapter found , enacted , and declared in terms of a report thereon by Grand Committee , a copy of which we are enabled to subjoin : ~~ " Scribes ? 0 $ ce 27 th Januari / , 1858 . u ( Called on requisition by chairman of committee . )
" A petition from Bros . H . G . Warren , C . J . Hughes , and others , connected with the Mark Lodges in London , was laid before the meeting , having considered which , the standing committee is of opinion , — " 1 . That it is not its duty to take cognizance of articles published in magazines unless the article be offensive to > or injurious to the rights of , the Supreme Chapter , when , if the writer acknowledge the authorship , and be under its juris * diction , farther steps may be taken .
" 2 . That the Supreme Chapter ( as well as the Grand Lodge ) of Scotland have never used two forms of diplomas , one for exaltation , the other for affiliationthese being held synonymous . On any Chapter making a return of one or other , the Grand Scribe E ., acting as Recorder , registers the Companion ' s name , signs the certificate of registration at the bottom of a diploma ( when asked for ) , and transmits it to the Chapter to be filled up ; but that Chapter is not allowed to make alterations or to insert ' affiliation ' in place of ' exaltation . ' The Supreme Chapter itself grants no diploma , but merely the certificate of registration .
" 3 . The diploma issued by the Esk Dalkeith Chapter was neither * spurious , nor ' irregular , ' as stated in the petition , although capable of being so misconstrued . The 'Ob . ' mentioned therein is that entered into in the Chapter in which one became first a Royal Arch Mason , and does not require to be repeated when affiliated in or visiting another Chapter . " 4 . The Supreme Chapter , on 19 th March , 1851 , passed a new law for the
affiliation of Companions from England , Ireland , or abroad . This contains two clauses—the one as to the mere affiliation , which did not require the person to be present at the time , but only to show evidence that he had been regularly exalted elsewhere ; the other applies to an obligation he must take , in an open Chapter holding of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland , before he can be recognized in the Chapter .
" The standing committee consider itself , therefore , restricted to the inquiry whether the Esk Dalkeith Chapter took means to have the candidates duly obligated before receiving their diplomas . The law is unfortunately not clear on this point , but such seems to have been intended , otherwise the holder of a diploma might appear in Chapters when the Mark , Past , and Excellent Degrees were practised , without being properly obligated , and consider himself at liberty to
reveal what passed . From the explanation given by the Grand Scribe E ., he did not perceive at the time that such a consequence could result , and as means were to be taken without delay to obligate the individuals who got the diplomas , he considered he was not acting incorrectly in the advice he gave the Esk Dalkeith Chapter . The result has shown him his mistake , for which he has expressed his deep regret . As ; in the present case , no injury has been done , the committee