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recommend to the Supreme Chapter to take no further steps , except to order the names of the parties alluded to to be expunged from the rolls of the Esk Dalkeith Chapter and also of the Supreme Chapter , declare their diplomas cancelled , and recall the Mark Lodge warrant issued to some of them on 16 th December last .
' / The committee has also to express its regret that the Esk Dalkeith Chapter affiliated any one residing in London , not actually present in that Chapter , for apparently no reason except to enable him to obtain a Mark warrant , when that object could have been more easily attained by his becoming a member of one of the Mark Lodges in London ,
f To prevent a recurrence of such misunderstandings in future , the committee recommend to the Supreme Chapter to get , if practicable , a slight alteration made iii the diploma , so as to distinguish between exaltation proper and mere affiliation . The subject lias been often discussed , but difficulties always arose from the idiomatic differences of the languages employed , and the greater difficulty Chapters might experience in filling them up ; and when it is clearly understood that in these diplomas no distinction is made , such alteration is of little moment . Even were
this carried out , it must be still held that a person exalted in an irregular Chapter roust be considered re-exalted , although the greater part of the ceremony be dis * pensed with , and therefore he must be present at the time . " The committee . further recommend to the Supreme Chapter to pass a law as follows : —That in future no Chapter shall affiliate , in absence , any Companion
exalted in an English , Irish , or foreign Chapter without the special sanction of one of the three Grand Principals or Depute Grand Principal , who , hefore issuing his permission , shall be satisfied with the expediency of the case , the proofs of the candidate ' s companionship , and that he has signed the formula prescribed for all the inferior Degrees , " ( Signed ) Geo . Daeling , Chairman , "
The Chapter approved of the committee having given the Scribes instructions to apply to the Provincial Grand Superintendent for the Province of New Brunswick for information regarding the existence of a spurious Mark Master Lodge , which appears to have been formed in the city of St . John , in order that , if within the competency of Grand Chapter , such irregular proceedings may be put a . stop to .
On the motion of Comp . D . Campbell , and duly seconded , it was unanimously agreed that in future the powers and privileges presently vested in the Grand P . Z . and his Depute be extended to the Past Grand Principal Z . The nomination of office-bearers being then proceeded with , the f ollowing Companions were duly nominated for the offices undermentioned , viz . —George A . \\\ Arnott , Ll . D . ( Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow ) , Grand Principal Z . ; John Whyte Melville ( of Mount Melville ) , Past Grand
Principal Z .: Dr . Wm . D . MacRitchie , Grand Principal H . ; John Deuchar ( of Morningside ) , Grand Principal J . ; Captain Patrick Deuchar , R . N ., Dep . Grand Principal Z . ; William Gay lor , S . S . C , Grand Scribe E . ; Edward Main , Grand Scribe N . ; John Henry , Grand Treas . ; Thomas Boog , Grand Recorder ; Donald Campbell , Grand Chancellor ; John Gellatly , 1 st Grand Sojourner ; Alexander Downie , 2 nd Grand Sojourner ; Chas . E . Hope Vere , 3 rd Grand Sojourner ; George Darling , Grand Sword-bearer ; Stewart Watson and Thomas Daybrough , Grand Standard-bearers ; David Crichton , Grand Janitor .
I he Chapter appointed Monday , 22 nd instant , at 4 p . m ., for the election and installation to office of the above-named Companions ; after which , as usual , the Companions dine together in celebration of the vernal equinox . Grand Chapter was thereafter closed in amide form .
The Week.
For the collator of news the past ' week has been generally stale , flat , and unprofitable , - The Court has been quietly rusticating at Osborne , and the only point
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
recommend to the Supreme Chapter to take no further steps , except to order the names of the parties alluded to to be expunged from the rolls of the Esk Dalkeith Chapter and also of the Supreme Chapter , declare their diplomas cancelled , and recall the Mark Lodge warrant issued to some of them on 16 th December last .
' / The committee has also to express its regret that the Esk Dalkeith Chapter affiliated any one residing in London , not actually present in that Chapter , for apparently no reason except to enable him to obtain a Mark warrant , when that object could have been more easily attained by his becoming a member of one of the Mark Lodges in London ,
f To prevent a recurrence of such misunderstandings in future , the committee recommend to the Supreme Chapter to get , if practicable , a slight alteration made iii the diploma , so as to distinguish between exaltation proper and mere affiliation . The subject lias been often discussed , but difficulties always arose from the idiomatic differences of the languages employed , and the greater difficulty Chapters might experience in filling them up ; and when it is clearly understood that in these diplomas no distinction is made , such alteration is of little moment . Even were
this carried out , it must be still held that a person exalted in an irregular Chapter roust be considered re-exalted , although the greater part of the ceremony be dis * pensed with , and therefore he must be present at the time . " The committee . further recommend to the Supreme Chapter to pass a law as follows : —That in future no Chapter shall affiliate , in absence , any Companion
exalted in an English , Irish , or foreign Chapter without the special sanction of one of the three Grand Principals or Depute Grand Principal , who , hefore issuing his permission , shall be satisfied with the expediency of the case , the proofs of the candidate ' s companionship , and that he has signed the formula prescribed for all the inferior Degrees , " ( Signed ) Geo . Daeling , Chairman , "
The Chapter approved of the committee having given the Scribes instructions to apply to the Provincial Grand Superintendent for the Province of New Brunswick for information regarding the existence of a spurious Mark Master Lodge , which appears to have been formed in the city of St . John , in order that , if within the competency of Grand Chapter , such irregular proceedings may be put a . stop to .
On the motion of Comp . D . Campbell , and duly seconded , it was unanimously agreed that in future the powers and privileges presently vested in the Grand P . Z . and his Depute be extended to the Past Grand Principal Z . The nomination of office-bearers being then proceeded with , the f ollowing Companions were duly nominated for the offices undermentioned , viz . —George A . \\\ Arnott , Ll . D . ( Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow ) , Grand Principal Z . ; John Whyte Melville ( of Mount Melville ) , Past Grand
Principal Z .: Dr . Wm . D . MacRitchie , Grand Principal H . ; John Deuchar ( of Morningside ) , Grand Principal J . ; Captain Patrick Deuchar , R . N ., Dep . Grand Principal Z . ; William Gay lor , S . S . C , Grand Scribe E . ; Edward Main , Grand Scribe N . ; John Henry , Grand Treas . ; Thomas Boog , Grand Recorder ; Donald Campbell , Grand Chancellor ; John Gellatly , 1 st Grand Sojourner ; Alexander Downie , 2 nd Grand Sojourner ; Chas . E . Hope Vere , 3 rd Grand Sojourner ; George Darling , Grand Sword-bearer ; Stewart Watson and Thomas Daybrough , Grand Standard-bearers ; David Crichton , Grand Janitor .
I he Chapter appointed Monday , 22 nd instant , at 4 p . m ., for the election and installation to office of the above-named Companions ; after which , as usual , the Companions dine together in celebration of the vernal equinox . Grand Chapter was thereafter closed in amide form .
The Week.
For the collator of news the past ' week has been generally stale , flat , and unprofitable , - The Court has been quietly rusticating at Osborne , and the only point