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The Week.
due , is £ 8 , 375 . lis . 6 d ., being £ 3 , 012 . lis . for railway assurance , and ^ 5 , 363 . Os . 6 d . for general accident assurance premiums . The income for the year 1857 is thus £ 16 , 931 . 7 s . 9 d ., against £ 12 , 000 . 16 s . lid . in 1856 , or an increase at the rate of 41 per cent . The amount of premiums received in cash during the half-year , according to the statement of accounts circulated among the proprietors , is
£ 7 , 551 . 16 s . 3 d . This sum , added to the balance from the previous half-year , and the interest on investments , forms a total of £ 11 , 691 . 0 s . 9 d . to the credit of the revenue account . The total amount paid as compensation for twenty ^ eight fatal accidents , and 916 cases of personal injury , from the commencement to December , 1857 , is £ 29 , 561 , The report was adopted , and a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent declared .
The theatres continue to draw crowded audiences , but the approaching Easter will close many of their seasons . At Drury Lane , " Clouds and Sunshine "still appears a favourite with the audience—the performances being varied on Wednesday and Friday evenings by " The"Lady of Lyons , " Mr . James Anderson and Miss Els worthy appearing as Claude Melnotte and Pauline , The audience seemed pleased to find their old favourite , Mr . Anderson , again before them on this stage , and , spurred by the genial welcome accorded him , the actor infused into his personation even more than his usual vigour , Miss Els worthy was a most graceful
and impassioned heroine ; and the other parts were creditably sustained . —— -At the Haymarket , Miss Amy Sedgwick has been winning golden opinions in high comedy by her impersonation of Beatrice in '"Much Ado about ^ Nothing / ' and Julia in the " Hunchback . " Sb e has been well supported by Miss Swanborough , Messrs . Buckstone , W . Farren , Howe , Compton , & c . r— -A " right merrie " farce has been produced at the Lyceum , entitled " Double Dummy , " in which Mr . Toole and Miss Woolgar , by their jealous dispositions , as Mr . and Mrs . Priddles , nightly continue to keep the audience in constant fits of laughter . ——At the Adelphi ,
Mr . Barney Williams has successfully added to his list of characters that of Kory OMore . -Among the numerous entertainers of the public we have now to include Bro . Charles Cotton , who has opened his budget , entitled " The Rose , Shamrock , and Thistle , " at the Prince of Wales ' s Hall , Regent-street . The notion that serves as the framework of this gentleman ' s monologue is derived from a supposed difference of opinion existing among an Englishman , Irishman , and a Scotchman as to which of their respective countries the palm of pre-eminence should be awarded . The entertainer , who supports in the course of the evening no less than sixteen
characters , has a neat delivery , a quick perception of humour , and a good voice , which is heard to advantage in the songs of " Molly Bawn , " " John Brown , " "The Charming Creature , " and a comic song on thewncomical subject of Sebastopol . —>—Bro . Henry Ottley has just concluded a very interesting series of lectures on painting at the French Gallery , Pall-malL The rise and progress of painting he has shown by tracing its origin in ancient and its development in later times . From the consideration of painting and sculpture among the Greeks , and the condition of Christian art duririg the dark ages , he proceeded to review the revival of
painting in Italy , its triumphs in the works of Leonardo da Vinci , Michael Angelo , Raphael , Titian , and Correggio , and its characteristics in the German , Spanish , French , and English schools . ——The cheap concerts at the Alhambra Palace have so far proved highly Huccessful . On Wednesday last , a d 6 butdntc Mrs . Paget , made her first appearance in the metropolis . Tins lady , formerly a pupil of the Royal Academy , possesses a rich and sonorous contralto voice . On the evening
in question she sang but onco , and therefore a just opinion of her capabilities can hardly be formed ; but her execution of Crouch ' s touching ditty , u Kathleen Mavourneen , " denoted the presence of considerable taste and power . The other vocalists were Miss Poole , the Misses Brougham , Messrs . Greorge Perron , Allen Irving , and others , whose ballads and duets , purely of the popular character , charmed the spectators mightily , A military band , under the title of the Boyal Sardinian , added to the enjoyment of the evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
due , is £ 8 , 375 . lis . 6 d ., being £ 3 , 012 . lis . for railway assurance , and ^ 5 , 363 . Os . 6 d . for general accident assurance premiums . The income for the year 1857 is thus £ 16 , 931 . 7 s . 9 d ., against £ 12 , 000 . 16 s . lid . in 1856 , or an increase at the rate of 41 per cent . The amount of premiums received in cash during the half-year , according to the statement of accounts circulated among the proprietors , is
£ 7 , 551 . 16 s . 3 d . This sum , added to the balance from the previous half-year , and the interest on investments , forms a total of £ 11 , 691 . 0 s . 9 d . to the credit of the revenue account . The total amount paid as compensation for twenty ^ eight fatal accidents , and 916 cases of personal injury , from the commencement to December , 1857 , is £ 29 , 561 , The report was adopted , and a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent declared .
The theatres continue to draw crowded audiences , but the approaching Easter will close many of their seasons . At Drury Lane , " Clouds and Sunshine "still appears a favourite with the audience—the performances being varied on Wednesday and Friday evenings by " The"Lady of Lyons , " Mr . James Anderson and Miss Els worthy appearing as Claude Melnotte and Pauline , The audience seemed pleased to find their old favourite , Mr . Anderson , again before them on this stage , and , spurred by the genial welcome accorded him , the actor infused into his personation even more than his usual vigour , Miss Els worthy was a most graceful
and impassioned heroine ; and the other parts were creditably sustained . —— -At the Haymarket , Miss Amy Sedgwick has been winning golden opinions in high comedy by her impersonation of Beatrice in '"Much Ado about ^ Nothing / ' and Julia in the " Hunchback . " Sb e has been well supported by Miss Swanborough , Messrs . Buckstone , W . Farren , Howe , Compton , & c . r— -A " right merrie " farce has been produced at the Lyceum , entitled " Double Dummy , " in which Mr . Toole and Miss Woolgar , by their jealous dispositions , as Mr . and Mrs . Priddles , nightly continue to keep the audience in constant fits of laughter . ——At the Adelphi ,
Mr . Barney Williams has successfully added to his list of characters that of Kory OMore . -Among the numerous entertainers of the public we have now to include Bro . Charles Cotton , who has opened his budget , entitled " The Rose , Shamrock , and Thistle , " at the Prince of Wales ' s Hall , Regent-street . The notion that serves as the framework of this gentleman ' s monologue is derived from a supposed difference of opinion existing among an Englishman , Irishman , and a Scotchman as to which of their respective countries the palm of pre-eminence should be awarded . The entertainer , who supports in the course of the evening no less than sixteen
characters , has a neat delivery , a quick perception of humour , and a good voice , which is heard to advantage in the songs of " Molly Bawn , " " John Brown , " "The Charming Creature , " and a comic song on thewncomical subject of Sebastopol . —>—Bro . Henry Ottley has just concluded a very interesting series of lectures on painting at the French Gallery , Pall-malL The rise and progress of painting he has shown by tracing its origin in ancient and its development in later times . From the consideration of painting and sculpture among the Greeks , and the condition of Christian art duririg the dark ages , he proceeded to review the revival of
painting in Italy , its triumphs in the works of Leonardo da Vinci , Michael Angelo , Raphael , Titian , and Correggio , and its characteristics in the German , Spanish , French , and English schools . ——The cheap concerts at the Alhambra Palace have so far proved highly Huccessful . On Wednesday last , a d 6 butdntc Mrs . Paget , made her first appearance in the metropolis . Tins lady , formerly a pupil of the Royal Academy , possesses a rich and sonorous contralto voice . On the evening
in question she sang but onco , and therefore a just opinion of her capabilities can hardly be formed ; but her execution of Crouch ' s touching ditty , u Kathleen Mavourneen , " denoted the presence of considerable taste and power . The other vocalists were Miss Poole , the Misses Brougham , Messrs . Greorge Perron , Allen Irving , and others , whose ballads and duets , purely of the popular character , charmed the spectators mightily , A military band , under the title of the Boyal Sardinian , added to the enjoyment of the evening .